Sound Psychology Ballarat
When these problems are not addressed effectively, they can create unwanted and difficult living conditions for us. It is in those times that we may feel stuck and need support.
At Sound Psychology Ballarat we aim to create a safe, comfortable environment where clients can engage with their problems, integrate new information and insights and transform through the therapy. We like to encourage a sense of optimism and choice in this.
We believe that every person who comes to see us needs specific, unique support that is tailored to their situation. What someone presents with is not always what needs changing: We prefer to work with both the presenting problem or crisis, and the more complex factors that affect a person's well-being. In this way, each person may be able to feel better in the short term and also address the underlying issues that affect their long term lifestyle.
We don't "treat" people: We work with a person's inner strengths and weaknesses, at their pace, using and expanding on their inner resources. We work alongside people to achieve their own change.
All of our practitioners provide quality therapeutic counselling.
Our Psychologists provide psychological assessment for a range of presentations including neurodiversity, memory, cognitive function, personality, and gender identity.
Sound Psychology Ballarat offers psychosocial screening in Ballarat for transgender and gender diverse people.
Welcome to Sound Psychology Ballarat. Founded in 2016 by partners Eitan Daniel and Madeline Fernbach, Sound Psychology Ballarat's therapists are highly experienced, qualified and cover a wide range of psychology services.
Sound Psychology Ballarat have a friendly team of psychologists, mental health social workers and specialist counsellors. We specialize in anxiety and depression, relationship counseling, workplace, military, grief, trauma, stress, gender and identity.
At Sound Psychology Ballarat we deliver high quality counselling and therapy services to our clients. Each of us is able to see clients with a diverse range of issues and presentations, and each of us has areas of particular skill and interest. Please click on the buttons to find out more about each of our people.
Our Assessments Video - Madeline Fernbach
Couple Counselling Video - Eitan Daniel
Sound Psychology Ballarat is not an emergency service.
If the matter is urgent or life threatening, please call 000 or call Lifeline 131 114
We are often with clients during the day. Please call or email us and we will get back to you quickly.
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